1980 B.F.A. University of Western Ontario, London ON
1982 B.Ed. University of Western Ontario, London ON
Professional Associations
Member of Propeller Gallery 2007 to 2017
Member of Propeller's Board of Directors 2008 - 2016
Member of Gallery 44 since 2016
Member of Carfac since 2017
Artist Statement
As a photo artist, my quest is to make magical the mundane. As Blanche DuBois said in A Streetcar Named Desire, "I don't want realism, I want magic." As a street photographer, I take it where I find it.
I find mini miracles amid the ubiquitous. Urban environments yield images abutting on the absolute.
How do I recognize the icon I wish to create? To quote a judge describing obscenity, "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it."
– DNA Dodds